Driver carry 299 yards - not terribly often but getting way more consistent
Unable to concentrate past 10 holes and it’s killing my game
MAGA Latinos?
Can I drink cocacola every day for my whole life ?
395 from Kennewick to Oregon
When you walk the course after a week of cart parking h only and cold weather
type "Sonic &" and let Autocomplete finish it
What country is this ? Wrong answers only
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
What song do you consider to be timeless?
Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every county (WE FINISHED MASSACHUSETTS! also I did not get some of you because I was sleeping and at work)
Anybody done with Clan Games yet?
Dear Docs, what is this and how can i cure it?
Tell me the instrument that you play
Shot a 79 on a par 70. Do golfers consider breaking 80 on a Par 70 really breaking 80?
You are going to die in 7 days and you can’t stop it, how will you spend your final week on earth?
I have a dilemma.
What's something that you were able to do in the past, but can't do it anymore?
If you had to explain your sex life with a movie title, what would it be?
What's the most disgusting thing you've ever done?
I thought it would never happen to me...
I played 9 yesterday, hit a mini jackpot
What is your most personal club in your bag and why? (Besides a putter)