How much longer does an expensive, Shimano chain last compared to a Taiwanese cheap one?
Do you find reading the classics important for achieving native-like fluency?
¿Alguien puede explicarme el meme de "El bicho pelao"?
Comprendre l'expression "en dépit que j'en aie" de Molière
Autre expression de Molière - "c'est me faire plaisir"
Gotta replace my chain and freewheel after 3 months and around 1000 km of use
¿"Espabila, que la vida te va a comer" es una expresión común?
Est-ce que ce "traînassent"-ci vient de "traîner" à l'imparfait du subjonctif ou de "traînasser" au présent de l'indicatif?
Un monologue d'Harpagon de "L'avare" (de Molière) - par moi
Babylonian Chaos - Where all languages are allowed - February 26, 2025
¿Se dice "le pegó un cholazo" en este vídeo, y qué significa?
For every clef other than treble I have to do maths to determine the notes; is this normal?
Weekly Chord Progression & Mode Megathread - February 25, 2025
Do you proudly call yourself a composer (assuming it's not actually your day job)?
I feel like a lot of Muse Sounds just don't do dynamics changes or in general
This is from a math problem. What is making штук genitive here? Is it that there is an implied “кількість” that was omitted? Or does it come from невідомо making the sentence negative?
Finalmente me di con el canal BaityBait; desafortunadamente mi conocimiento de la jerga es deficiente
Legs constantly sore despite moderate effort and several years in the saddle
How to come up with very simple but interesting stories (for language learners)?
How do you actually do billboard particles? (Youtube tutorials seem broken.)
Are there any indications about the actual musical value of pitch?
How rigid is intonation? How does one emote?
Surely this sentence from LGPSI is wrong: παιδία ἐστιν υἱοὶ καὶ θυγατέρες, ἢ παῖδες καὶ κόραι.
I'm an idiot: there's 2 different LGPSIs on the internet, and I was using the public domain online version
Dynamics marker doesn't activate at the start of the measure it's in