Complaints and frustrations mega-thread!
Come mantenere un numero italiano trasferendosi all'estero (Paese UE)?
This thing is completely HASSLE: REPOST of sqrt2
Sqrt(2) Brainstorming
Sorry but I needed to do a quick rant-video. It's borderline between meme and shitposting. "Life of a Junior dr.Wojak" xD
Life of a Junior Doctor
Life of a Junior Doctor (Part 1)
Life of a Junior Doctor (Part 1) I NEEDED TO DO THIS HAHAHA
Download This LaTeX .bbx File for Perfect NLM (National Library of Medicine) Citations!
Looking for recommendations for General Physicians Melbourne AUS and/or what have people’s experiences been like seeing a General Physician…were they able to help?
SQL Boolean valute UPDATE
Locally Advanced Breast cancer - case discussion and Viva -II
I asked AI to drop a meme without intending to be without mercy like this:
Anyone else sick of how badly and outdated stuff is named in medicine?
I asked AI to drop a meme Part 2:
Where is the light at the end of the tunnel
So this is not just my personal experience... 😳😳😳
Board prep
I find relaxing this type of music with this particular "slow+reverb" mode. And you?
Uhm... xD
The Answer is..... B: Rheumatologist referral/consult [see comments]
S3 gallop sound, Crackles on auscultation, finger stiffness, 165/102 mmHg, creatinine 4,90 mg/dL, headache after exercise