Which hogwarts house would Shadow be in?
Amy is in Hufflepuff. Which hogwarts house would Shadow be in?
uR 2 sLoW! (by @Silverthehedgehog19 on deviantart)
Who wants to make out with Shadow?
Whats your favorite Duo?
Can't sleep...
Reminder that this is from an official magazine 💀
You WILL be judged...(and possibly attacked)
Do you consider the IDW Comics cannon?
Who is your favorite Sonic character ever and why is it Shadow?
I'm sorry, what?
Real sonic magazine by the way
Yeah GG We're cooked
He's 'allergic'. (Comic by @mercurio-shadowz)
I love them so much *cried*
Who's your favourite Sonic Character? (Image related)
"she isn't a popular character" Yeah, right.
Knuckles is in Hufflepuff. Which hogwarts house would Amy be in?
Close one, but Tails is in Ravenclaw. Which hogwarts house would Knuckles be in?
Thanks to them for the recommendation.
Let's laugh at them
Painful Memories (Art by @akar1akari)
Aight, Sonic's in Gryffindor. Which hogwarts house would Tails be in?
Give him ONE reason not to destroy the Earth.