Difference between Olpers and Milk pak?
What do you think is the most underutilized game mechanic in this game?
This Guy was not ready
What's the most grindiest game u have played? I'll start.
The smell of the greasy pant side mission is so weird
what i did wrong here? if its right and save at the camp, then reload it again and again, will panther finally spawn?
A question about haunting in Islam
Panther vs cougar; which is easier to find?
Is this the correct way to hunt panther?
What have yall named your main horse?
My journal is encrypted
Rancher’s service isb
Rape in Sweden can’t be blame on Muslims.
If my friend doesn’t want so sit/talk with me, and only does when there is no friend of his left to talk to, is he my friend?
legendary white bison
Help me identify if my a friend is even a friend
Send desi memes here
Rwp folks felt that right ?
Asking for tips! Going for first time.
Islamabad 🤌🏼 >>>>
How to understand rap lyrics
[QUESTION] How to understand rap lyrics
People think I have bad music taste because I listen to Lewis capaldi
When is the best time to grind elixir
Why is my hour spend in a game not changing?