A warning to chasers
What's going on in Serbia? When liberal subs start posting about "authoritarianism" with top comments decrying "power to the people", I'm immediately skeptical.
shuichi shigeno PLEASE put american cars in Initially PLEASEEEEE
Oh is Fascism here? Let's make AI videos about it
This is Trumperica
The trans military ban is funny and I’m tired of pretending to care about it
it’s happening
What simple shot or image in initial D goes the hardest and evokes a feeling in you? - For me, the domestic abuse scene of Bunta mercilessly beating Takumi after the Shingo battle is chills
Palmetto State Armory STANKS!
scary quads
average initial d fan (theyve never listened to any other eurobeat)
I'm so sad that gas gas gas was used in the imposter thing
My Nissan Skyline R32 Sketch
outjerked yet again
Is this an AE86?
Collection of high-calibre political analysis, courtesy of r/readanotherbook
Thank you democrats for shifting right
Did we ever find out anything about this guy?
What car is that for you?
Higher quality version of the keisuke art i reposted earlier(ゐま津 on pixiv)
What’s the difference between an AE86 and an AE85
Ok there’s no way Z Dawg isn’t telling the GRU to do 9/11 Two.
It’s over
the great debate that has divided the nation of tttt rages on: is Vaush hot?
Look what I found at the bottom of Mount Haruna looking on Google Maps 🧐
wtf they have japanese cars in japan???
Look what I found at the bottom of Mount Haruna on Google Maps