Does fasting senna still work?
39 stat shards but no prismatic
best ad build atm?
I had enough
I'm tired of it
What do these recruiting bars mean?
Do you guys learn A-click?
Heisman Trophy winner on your team not drafted?
What OVR gets drafted?
Question about Men's soccer: why don't they join and play in an actual NCAA D1 conference?
Why is Illaoi banned so much in low elo?
How many stacks is good?
I'mma just drop this here cause I love the dude
Why did Rito change Senna?
Crit Senna Still OP
Senna terrible next patch
How bad is the nerf going to be?
This is a toxic post for Phreak and August
Attack speed growth nerf
Senna DPS math after rework
Now Senna is BORING to play
can we stop pretending enchanter senna has no damage?
Struggling with the new playstyle
Reworked Senna is a great start