Are you guys ready to see this in every match?
What are the killer waiting times like rn?
There’s goes 15 minutes
How’s everyone’s 2v8 experience been so far??
I'm tired
Gene Pants (lizardlars)
Are your survivors more stupid than normal this event?
Bruh. I can only keep what I'm carrying?!?!?
I dont get it.
I finished all the Achievements! Which Achievement was the most pain in the ass for you?
Comment your favorite map offering and I’ll insult you for it
Lights out - your experience
A potential bug
What DON’T you like about the first season?
Pig main streamers to learn from? (And perk recs?)
Which licensed killer is fun and overall good?
Fixed a bug (at least with Wesker)
Now that we’ve played Vecna for a few days… what is your best build on him so far?
Mage Hand
What’s the achievement that just drive you so insane that when you finally got it… you were grateful it was done?
has the main subreddit gotten more survivor-sided or am I losing my mind?
Anyone have some good Pinhead Mains or guides who can help me learn him better?