Josh from 2019 (from @typeonegativelives)
The first I knew of Fear Factory's existence was seeing this Demanufacture ad in Metal Maniacs in 1995
Milo Silvestro is the New Vocalist
Glutened by a crumb vs. a whole piece of bread
Found a killer album today 🤘
Do you guys think Fear Factory is a band that should stayed on studio?
Kush gets cancelled. AGAIN.
Burton, guest writer for Type O Negative graphic novel
What do you think the members of Fear Factory's net worth are?
JBN tight gold dress
I'd like to hear FF's side of the story on the cancelled Coal Chamber tour...
New music
Fear Factory (Titans Of Metal Fest 2025)
Dino brought up 'Angstfabrik' back in 2020. "I guess asking this backfired on me"
New album late summer?
Your ultimate fear factory playlist
I usually like the aggressive side of Fear Factory, but this is one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard in my entire life.
PROOF! They are finally in the studio!
Album update. Sort of.
If Peter Were Alive Today, What Do You Think He Would Have Done With His Life?
Catch Thirtythree
Inspired by Angst Fabrik getting announced, I'm proud to introduce my new band:
Industrial Discipline