Suggest me an author where you rate at least 3 of their books 5 stars
My suits tier list. Hoping you guys agree with me
Books where they describe the food really beautifully (rest of the story can be about anything)
what should someone do with this space?
How strict/censored are malaysia in regards to literature?
Japanese Mysteries
Popular science nonfiction where the author dont insert themself in the story
What's a non-EH book that you've read that have that "one scene" that belongs to extreme horror?
So how was 80s Laymon different than his later 90s/00s works?
It's near impossible to capture the brilliance of the PW 12 Gen screen
Which author in your opinion manage to maintain a serious tone in their book?
Chinese mystical literature?
True crime books where the focus is on the case, and not a lengthy biography of the victims or the criminal
Final page of a chapter repeats lines from the previous page
In light of the recent allegations against Daniel Greene, who are some of your favorite fantasy creators?
Daniel Greene accused of sexual assault, cheating, and cease and desist allegations.
Which JRPGs have the best pixel art?
Movies to make 11 year old cry
What are your thoughts on authors who introduced a character, goes on length telling their backstory, then kill them in the same chapter
To make a fun turn-based combat, skill/abilities should be spammable imo. Don't you guys agree?
What JRPG "experiments" would never work for you?
Does "touchscreen rubbing" really worked properly in Drastic DS?
It's weird how my kindle remove ads on its own without being connected to internet
Do wrestlers really gained momentum from a rope to do running moves or it is just a kayfabe thing?
Ghost Story by Peter Straub