Found this at one of the Whitespring Vendors. Is this one of the rare baseball bats?
H: Reverse USA W: Offers
[XB1] H: Responders Set W: Leaders
H: Responders Fireman set W: Leaders
H: Mods, Leaders, Demon Mask W:Urban Scout Mask (USAM)
W: enclave mods H: 4 star mods and some apperel
H: rare bats W: leaders
H: DC W: 5 Powered
H: Glowing Jackalope Mask W: Leader offers
H: 300 Canned Coffee. W: 15 Leaders.
Been offline for a long time, are reverse scout grolls still valuable?
H: 2x Brahmin, Buffoon, 2x DeathClaw, 3x Demon, 2x Fiends, Raven and Crazy Guy W: Any type of Offers
Fake courier on xbox
H: masks W: offers
H: Glowing Abe W: Rare apparel, legacies, misc, or leaders
2k Atoms Giveaway (Xbox, Playstation & PC)
H: Glowing Bigfoot W: 2,000 Leaders
H: Glowing Unicorn W:offers
H: Glowing Veggie W: Tlc & Gsb
H: Demon mask W: Small and Big gun bobble heads
H: I finally got one ! After 60runs w: offer
H: Glowing Blue devil, Pig,Robot,Scorchbeast Queen,Unicorn W: Leather Coat. Will do 3:1
H: glow veggie man w: offers
H: Glowing Robot W: Rare non Glowing mask bundle