I’m so mad
my old ryzen 9 3900x that i gave to a family member an they come back to me with it saying its not working. Any tips on bending pins back and is this cpu even repairable some of the pins are really bad. thanks
MK Giveaway: WLMOUSE x MK Frozen Llama Mouse
Can someone point out the damaged parts here?
I asked one question about return policy, Cerakey guy gave me a lecture.
Free Finger Sizer
I to need to be blown to be turned on… but seriously help
Am I the only one getting these ads?
What’s your earliest memory when you realised you were a ‘car person’?
Looking for help in understanding how this seat occupancy sensor might function.
Why on earth would this be in the circuit?
What do I drive?
cable id? was modding my pokemon go plus+ and this got chewed up by kitty :(
Help with chip identification
Dual-booting with the OPi 5 Plus
can't boot orangepi 5
Orangepi-config Is Not Working (OP5 pro)
Am I being an idiot or this puzzle is wrong?
Got a refurbished PC and I’m stuck on this screen, what do I do?
Wifi/BT enabled rp2040 circuit?
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (April 11, 2024)
Can I just buy a 10A smd fuse off Amazon and add flux to solder a new one?
QMK keymaps contribution