Why have I always felt old ever since I was a kid ?
Any women here who also experience sensitive breasts ?
21 failure don’t want to be here anymore
This ruined my life
Can permanent remission be possible ?
Can I take methamizole and my beta blockers at the same time ?
I’ve had 3 EGK‘s done on me and my heart is fine but at night I feel like my heart’s skipping a beat and it increases .. anyone else ??
How many mg of beta blockers do you take per day ?
21 F The best advice on making friends?
When did you realize you were bisexual?
Feeling of heart skipping a beat at night
Do we all need to get an ultrasound? Does everybody develop nodules ?
Throat pain as if you had strep throat or about to get sick?
Should I take my daily beta blocker at night even if my heart is at 68?
What is a flare up?
Cough weird sensation in throat ?
Can no longer constantly feel my heartbeat
Do dreams alarm you about something ?
What are the chances of the senate to actually passing the bill to ban Tik Tok ?
Anyone who was hyperthyroidism who would like to chat ? I need someone to relate to
What causes cough ?
Success with brain fog and fatigue?
Does anyone else feels like tension on your neck ? Especially when your standing up it feels kinda stiff
Reaction to methimazole...? Maybe?
Kissing her felt SO right