After 24 Years working at BYU: Fired for….
Harvard vs BYU
Exmormon sub is the most supportive but…
Working for BYU: Low Pay in the Name of 'Spiritual Service'
BYU’s Independent Study: A Cheater’s Paradise?
Religion Poisons Everything: The Bitter Truth About Faith
24 Years Working for the LDS Church: No Background Checks?! 😱
Randy Bott and the Mormon Church's Racism Problem
Why Won’t the Mormon Church Let Me Go?
Knocked unconscious on My Mormon Mission: The High Cost of Spreading the Gospel of Joseph Smith
Has Research Replaced Revelation in the Mormon Church? God’s Losing Streak Explained
When Latter-day Saints Who Pay Tithing Are Kept Out of Temples to See Their Daughter's Marriage
Mormon Missionary Story: Sleeping on the Floor and Bug Infested Apartments in D.C.
Why "Fakers" Stay in the Church: Navigating Leadership Callings After Losing Faith in Mormonism
LDS Missionary Story: Did My Two-Year Sacrifice of Abstaining from Masturbation Really Please God?
Joseph Fielding Smith’s Bold Statement: If Evolution is True, Then the Mormon Church is False
Mormon Prophet Joseph F. Smith: Lying for the Lord and the Reed Smoot Hearings
Mormon Missionary Bragging Rights: 3rd in LDS Knowledge at Mission Conference!
My Mormon Seminary Confession: I CHEATED in the Seminary Bowl!
Joe Rogan & Wesley Huff Discuss Joseph Smith & the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
I Got Fired as a Mormon Chorister—The Shortest Tenure in LDS History!
Is Mormonism a Cult? Religion Expert Steven Hassan Settles the Question Once and for All
The LDS Church: Largest Landowner in Utah, Nebraska, and Florida – A Digital Social Analysis
How is Anyone Supposed to Tell Which Religion is True: LDS vs. JW? Leaders, Claims, and Parallels