I love the narritive events in Civ VII
Wifi drones don't approach, and it's annoying the hell out of me
What are stupid things tacked onto already stupid moves/characters that are minor and yet still really dumb?
ROB is top 5
Who are the most sauceless characters in the game?
Cloud has to be the most carried character that’s not DLC
Day 443 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released
What’s the most bullshit move your main has?
What’s your least favorite MU?
Who do you think are the most hype characters in the game?
Day 396 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released
Got any more examples?
What's the sexiest and cringiest move to land in the game
Falco players will mash this move on your shield thinking they are godlike at the game
One of the goofiest interactions I have ever seen (I was the DK)
[CLIP] Can someone explain to me why did the Steve took the second hit of the Anvil ?
Kazuya takes no fucking skill other than basic knowledge
What is the most tilting move to get hit by?
I literally don’t know when it is my time to attack
Roast the current subject of your smash rage in 5 words or less
What are the most busted as hell lvl 9 CPU's aside from Kazuya
Bayonetta double up B at high percent
Unpopular opinion: I hate Falcon and Gannon dittos
What are some great Ultimate combo videos?