Jonny Kim, aged 36, has achieved becoming a Navy Seal, a trained Harvard doctor, and is now selected to become the first Korean to go to space
Penny stocks that are now worth a lot
How cooked am I?
I’m the Warren Buffett of paper trading
Buy the Dip 🤡🤡
Buying NVDA in 2020 and PLTR in 2023 is the closest feeling I have to being a boomer owning their home
What US city is growing faster than people realize?
What’s the problem here?
[TOMT] [TRUE CRIME] Story and possible documentary about strange events after 911 call
Can someone summarize how the show ends for me?
Couldn’t take these morons seriously if you tried
Hard to beat the history of this division
What’s the scariest thing AI could do?
Watch keeps locking while on my wrist
Why can’t either side just admit they only want it to happen under their preferred circumstances?
What is is about Savannah that ends up having it's businesses look like crap/poor quality?
Is the container really necessary?😂
Going from crying about the Penny verdict to praising the UHC assassin all within 2 hours. Cant seem to make up his mind about murder being okay or not
Genuine question—if real estate is such a good investment, why shouldn’t I just buy a few of these <40k houses and just hold the land? Whats the risk here?
Man found guilty of murder in the killing of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley
Remember to tip your government officials
This guy is clearly very good at critical thinking
Who is a guest that hasn’t been on KT for years that you’d like to see again? I’ll start
He’s making GMC ads now
How does plumbing work here?