LF: Carnivine, Drifloon, Cresselia, Combee, Bidoof, and Glameow 1 ⭐️. FT pictured (and more - just ask)
LF: Pacharisu EX, Moltres EX, Infernape EX FT: Palkia EX, Wigglytuff EX, Pikachu EX, Zapdos EX
Selling 4 VIP tickets for Vienna Aug 10
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
Scarlet and Violet Daily Casual Trade Thread for 10 October 2023
My friend and I were discussing this phenomenon of clips from okay to bad movies being on TikTok and we need your input.
Has this ever happened to anyone on here before
Drafting for the first time
My son dropped his drink on his PC...
[USA - NY] [H] MSI GTX 1080 [W] Paypal/Local Cash
Most monumental film you can think of to celebrate #500?
I’ll tell ya what, it’s been along time since a movies made me reconsider my top 4 but I just watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and… wow
Who else has an unexpected movie (unironically) in their top 4?
what is a feature you would like to see on the site?
Online Activities Weekly Megathread
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread [Overflow]
Quote the best lines from GOT and replace some words with Potato
If you could “Delete” anything from the world, what would it be?
what do you legitimately believe happens after we die?
If casting had gone a different route, who would you have casted for the Netflix show? Here are some of mine: