Only got two hours of rain this morning!
Riding out the storm.
Gotta love the scores.
The random people you meet on the road. Lol.
One citation later. The police are giving me a ride to Wilmington Island, Georgia.
I'll be riding out the storm here in Tybee Island, Georgia. If you guys see me around, buy me a beer.
Made it to Tybee Island, Georgia. Mosquitos are already eating me alive.
The beach of Tybee Island, Georgia.
Great start.
Still in Savannah, Georgia and kicking it.
Back in Savannah, Georgia. This fucking sucks. Lol!
Finally feeling good again
Found a genius idea tonight. New beer holder.
Hanging out at the library with my friend in Athens, Georgia. Hopefully will be back in Savannah, Georgia soon.
Another beautiful day in the Athens, Georgia square.
Good to be back in Athens, Georgia.
Hell of a storm in Athens, Georgia.
Back in Athens, Georgia!
Got Shadowbanned from vagabond, don't got a clue why so I'm gonna post my trackside lunch meat burrito here.
Carbs, natural sugar and straight fat for dinner (plus a few preservatives for my liver)
29 degrees in Wilmington, North Carolina. Shits frigid. Still going strong. Going back down to Atlanta to meet a hot chick.
Straight up chillin' like a villain today.
Ended up just smoking meth and crack amd walking around for 5 days
The season is just around the corner for work.
Crispy 5 dollar bills from the fellow locals.