type your favorite cookie's name without using the crossed out letters
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
Which legend was this for you?
The hell just happened
why doesn’t he have pie eyes in his boss fight
Tell me your favorite cookie and see if you're allowed in....(idk what fl@ir to u$e 💔)
Who is your favorite ancient hero and beast,and why?
How do y'all like Win or Lose,and what is your favorite character?(so far)
The last Monster you played as is now a massive kaiju and will be the next Godzilla antagonist. Who is it? (I'll go first)
If the Pillar Chase monsters were in Smash, who would be your main?
What is y'all's last favorite cookie and why? (Pic related)
Type any crk character with your eyes closed
is damage cap in the room with us?
Good thing I had ...The Door... Truly one of the skills of all time
Screw it. Favorite character PERIOD
Guess my favourite character guys!
Whitout playing the game, would you say that Pure Vanilla cookie is female?
Since today's Women's day, what's your favourite female character?
Early game mimics go harder than an angry Asian parent
Who cares about who more?
Be honest. What were your first reactions?
Who should i main BETWEEN THESE TWO🙏?
Type "I'm a" and let autocomplete finish it
Your last saved image defeated goku. What is it?
Which season of squid game did you liked?