“The perfect angle for the dangle”
Vegas with Skipper
Who is your least favorite character in Stardew Valley ?
39 year old cries because his parents won’t fund his panhandler job
Someone is still hurt by a certain cheater
Thejungleskipper talking about the blue page
How tall are/were your two year olds?
Do you think this mini crib is too small?
Jungle “Creeper” Skipper is a Legit Creep
What to do with my old Rex rabbit
So no breakup for crybaby skipper
What in the world JS?
How old are y'all?
What is happening?
Cozy Townhouse build in the Tarrey Town Hills
JS at Universal today..
Jungle Skipper WASTED
Dumpskipper can’t shut up on a ride
Screaming skipper can’t hear you
‼️Compilation of @thejungleskipper from the past year📸‼️
JS was feeling it..
Facebook disabled due to linked Instagram account that's not mine! Please Help!
Umm why does no one call him out
Not sure what to do..