A man telling me that I have a big chest is disrespectful?
Violenza sulle donne, Ddl con reato di femminicidio arriva in Cdm
I just find it extremely cute that he called her mother!
What could Moriarty family have done to Will and Louis?
What are the best concealers for covering acne on the skin?
What is characters view about women?And what would they think about women in our modern era?Please let me know you opinion!
Guys but..What’s so bad with this shirt?I don’t understand it actually is a nice shirt is not offensive I mean..
A minor detail I’m glad they brought back
Just sharing a short trailer for an upcoming short movie project on Sherlock Holmes (but really its more inspired by Moriarty the Patriot)
I don't know how to feel about my appearance
How they are with women
spiegatemi cosa vuol dire un DIVORZIO coi FIGLI....
Guess where I’m from based off the countries I’ve been to.
My wife wants our 3rd child to have her last name. Our first two kids have my last name. Is this a big deal? Anyone else in a similar situation.
What should I named this country map and flag?
ABOLSUME CINEMA Anime Characters | Moriarty the Patriot| William James Moriarty
Random Headcanons pt. 3
Question for non-italians,if you are from another country read this!
Italians demand Estonia’s ‘Espresso macchiato’ be excluded from Eurovision
How do you think you'd do in the Victorian society?
Random Headcanons pt. 2