Who do you think would win?
Best Parts of Super Megaforce
is there any yuri manga with a similar dynamic to this? :D
Current Anime Sung Jinwoo takes a Red Gate, spawning him in Shibuya. If all of JJK (anime) attack him at the same time, would they win?
How screwed are you?
Which season was better?
3 S-ranks in two weeks
Which one do you Prefer?
drop the best horror panels/moments in Dark Gathering
Looking back, I had forgotten how much of an absolute powerhouse the second Weather Wizard was
Leaders of the Free World
ZZZ r34 tier list
Batman Vs Ayanokoji?
Frieren celebrating her ????th birthday (By @shark_doodle)
(New player) What is up with Valkerion, Sephirogila and Griphogila being the only cards that aren't grade 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Is possible ?
If Naofumi was summoned to The World of Tortus in Hajime's place instead of Raphtalia's world and ended up going through the same Shit Hajime did and Ended up meeting Yue do you think Naofumi and Yue would end up a couple or would Naofumi end up Daughter zoning Yue like he did with Raphtalia?
Game is Lagging
I just love that Zani is just doing her job and doesn’t have feelings for Rover (so far). It makes her even more interesting because, at this point, every character has some sort of feelings for the MC. I hope it stays that way. 😆
When Poppy, a 9-year old child is more mature than Clair, a grown woman.
Urahara is morally grey and loved by fans! Now which character is a horrible person who is loved by fans?
Remember when the show was first revealed and everyone thought it was going to be a goofy season? And how everyone hated the suits? We've come a long way haven't we?
maintaining the agenda is our top priority 🗣️🗣️🗣️🙏🏿🙏🏿
Belle's natural hair
My prediction and Fear towards Altisaria just came true...