My Death Devil can't be this cute! (@MysticKeiji24)
I did it! My lance broke the game
I Turned Lala Barina into a human (@MysticKeiji24)
I turned Lala Barina into a human (@MysticKeiji24)
Here's my fanart for my future main, Duchess
Duchess fanart
The most important setting to change ASAP
Zani Second form and weapon and texture
Locked and Loaded (@MysticKeiji24)
There are already 4 fanged beasts before any title update even, do you think they’re going to skip Rajang this time?
So, what sold the game to you?
What are your favorite hsr reaction images
locked and loaded (@MysticKeiji24)
It's here! I collected the infinity controllers wuhahahaha!
Lore you should know about your 4☆ characters(part 1).
OLD concept art for Lupa. Final could end up completely different.
How do I improve my Danjin build? I’m a new Danjin main and I wanted some tips on how to build her, I think I need more Crit Damage, but idk
Expectations VS Reality 🤣
My first Nami (and One piece) Fanart
Surprise check: name your top 5 favorite characters so far.
If I have to see misaligned tiles, then so do you😊
Caleus and March finally being Serious (@MysticKeiji24)
A Gift To All Danjin Mains (@Revokx1)