There is no way to practice DPS if you're not an insta-locker
Name ur fav song and I’ll and it to my playlist
I would like to vent a little, I am really tired of some players
What should I have done differently here?
Tired of pretending Starlord shouldn't be banned.
Ranking system problem?
Does anyone else prefer Thor's base skin over his other skins? Are there any other characters whose base skins look superior?
Downvoted 600 on his cake day for saying "this"
Venom buff PLZ
Does anything hurt a Tracer main's soul more than this
Has anyone else noticed Rammatra mains don’t have an active subreddit?
Unable to practice and get good against human players for a DPS character
Solo Queued to Celestial AMA
Finally ranked up, I think I'm a pro gamer now
Guess the rank!
How to rank up
If you’re ever on a team with one healer, and that healer isn’t you, why are you throwing?
The main sub is coping so hard it's so stupid
1 blade vs 5 and beat
How some of y'all have so much free time perplexes me
This is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed
can i just be happy for once
just getting the job done amirite
We need a defensive Ult!!
How come so many people have alts?