Is this a fitting way of putting it to a 2nd grader
Tip/stem combinations and why the only thing that matters is personal preference. Also condensers and glass pipes.
I just found out I have CP in my 30's
Gotta do this for her
I'm nearly 30 and I still can't go to bed on time
Cerebral palsy perks
Full body shakes after working out.
Losing access to one of my favorite things because ADHD sucks
Morning spasticity
Where do you keep your keys
Unapproved money taken out
For the people who can…
Do you struggle with showers?
DAE legs start to hurt if they stand in place for a long period of time?
Just a talk
how would you feel/ take this?
Tips on adjusting the Titan evo 2022 lumbar support to optimally support your body.
Diagnosed and not started meds yet and I'm wondering...
Don’t you hate it when people compare you to children?
Hack: dealing with stranger comments
Should I season rice when it’s being served with curry?
You can only choose three, the rest are gone forever. What are you going for?
Spastic himiplegia advice or experiences.