[W] DS
[O] 3 x DrunkenSlug (raffle)
I’m about to finish Project Hail Mary and I’m afraid I’ll never find anything else as good! Any suggestions?
Sci-Fi with real science
(R) Drunkenslug
[O] DS 1X
Love bobtails
[O] x5 NzbPlanet Invites
I FUCKING GOT IT!!1!11!11!1!1
My woods gun
1986 Les Baer Colt Custom Comp
Hard to beat the classics - Auto-Ordnance Thompson .45acp
My latest additions
Got one my for grail guns
What can Brown do for you? 🐍
My HDW Cz scorpion micro S2
My spicey pdw [B&T Tp9]
First Book I've Read in Years
Optics Milling For P-01? (Details In Comments)