Which one do you feed most?
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Anyone else just go chill in the basement for a few minutes?
That was wild
Your thoughts?
Hey fellas, listen to the gals!
He explains why we need to be mindful of social media when applying for certain jobs.
I can't wear shoes inside because they're dirty, but I won't get anything done if I don't wear shoes. So I bought chore shoes
Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
She understood the assignment
Thought I looked good and wanted to share
I'm No Doctor But I Don't Think That's How ADHD Works
Found on the floor of a 2nd grade class
Cant stop thinking about children and a husband…
Found in a retail store fitting room
😂😂😂 there is no free speech
Found inside Dracula cover at a book sale.
They’ve found the cure to depression!
My wife sent me this. Knew I had to share it here.
My mom, sister, and Boyfriend all told me to leave it.
Cute baby donkey
Ah, yes. Good old ‘planning ahead’.
Saw this post while waiting at the doctor's office. The comments are so funny/cute
I feel seen. 🥲
Are they gaslighting us?