Taxiban hova illik ülni, előre vagy hatra?
AITAH for kicking my friend out of my apartment after how they treated my cat?
Does GIGI HADID get a pass for product placement in Justin’s movie/IEWU? 🤔
Válófélben - még nem engedtem el a párom, de ő már pasizik
Help needed with translating a note!
The Lord of the Rings is often hailed as the greatest story/work of fiction ever but which other story/work of fiction comes closest to being as good, if not better than it?
Nem tudok tovább albérletet fizetni, a főbérlő mégsem egyezik bele a szerződés bontásába
Mit olvasol éppen? (2025. március)
I want to read about pre-christian religion of Magyars.
Nem tudjátok hol a legolcsóbb Budapesten a fizetős PET CT scan?
medical tests
Can we ease up on Brendan?
Who would you marry out of the entirety of lotr? (Multiple allowed)
Melyik kötelező olvasmány traumatizált anno, és vagy melyik az, amit szabályosan gyűlöltél?
Elkaptak bolti lopásért. Vagy most akkor hogy van ez?
Mi épül a Határ út metrómegállónál, a Shopmarkkal szemben?
What are Aragorns weaknesses/faults/shortcomings?
Únyra szeretnénk költözni, milyen hely?
The routine inclusion of horns in depictions of balrogs ought to be as controversial as whether they've wings
You can only understand this if you've read the books before, I find it interesting Tom Bombadil knew about Aragorn's whereabouts or even that he existed, yet you can find many unexpected things from Tom.
My Dad Left Us 15 Years Ago – Now He’s Dying and Wants Me to Take Care of Him. I Don’t Know What to Do
Honestly was reading the lord of the rings and other legendarium hard for you
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Can a non-black person explain something to me my white coworker said...
Feltételes szabadságra bocsátották a lúgos orvost