Dubstep gun Noise Marine
What to do with this small balcony?
After the points changes the Champions of Slaanesh box is 69(0) points
Have I finally found the perfect Emperor's Children purple?
How do I achieve a rose gold metallic?
LOUDERRRR!!!!!! Which do you prefer?
Vampire Coast Army WiP
Europe is up for preorder
What kind of base will you go with ?
Unearth macabre new Manifestations and faction terrain for the Soulblight Gravelords
Stormcast Eternal Questing Knight
My gaggle of idiots so far
Shooting throw models?
My first FEC model, His Highness and Defender of the Realm, Batboy
Slaughter Priest is finished
Found a use for some spare bits!
Trying around with purple
Shooting in enemies shooting phase?
Skulltaker or Master of Execution proxy?
Strategy Spotlight: Spearhead - Sylvaneth
When exactly does an object count as being mine?
What mens' perfume would you recommend?
New Soulblight Gravelord Spearhead
The new Boney Boys release has me interested in doing a small SBGL army, is an all skeleton army doable?
Now that the new miniature is coming, I would like to show you my converted Vhordrai, using several pieces. I made this conversion adding rats and animals that run in a herd towards where vhordrai points, just like the dragon