How do I come to terms with the end of my reproductive years ?
Parenting a OAD toddler
What is up with all the "why/how do people have more than 1" questions?
I [38F] don’t have any kids but I want them. Time is running out. But my friends say don’t bother…
Book recommendations when finished fertility journey / IVF - to come to terms with it being over?
What did make you decide one and done?
If you're an only child, would you rather have a sibling without some of the things you experienced as an only child or would you rather have those things and be an only child?
For those over 40 and who did IVF - did you transfer 2 embryos? And if so, were they untested?
Could someone make hair shorter, remove blemishes and modernise / make better for Linkedin
Anyone else fee a HUGE Relief when the decision is made that your family is complete?
One & done but having a hard time "disposing" of my IVF frozen embryos.
BRAND Clearblue Rapid Detection CD12DPO - 7.5DP5DT - Faint line - need line eyes!
Move to Ireland!
HELP! Terrible twos have changed my sweet girl
The Daily Check-In for Sunday, December 8th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
The Daily Check-In for Thursday, December 5th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
The Daily Check-In for Wednesday, December 4th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
The Daily Check-In for Tuesday, December 3rd: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
The Daily Check-In for Monday, December 2nd: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
I feel so ashamed - I thought I could moderate, but certain events give me green light to go hell for leather. ER trip with mild concussion. I am such an idiot.
Help - HP PAVILION X360 ALL IN 1 - CAPs locK buTTON BLinking - how to fIX?!
Im fully enjoying parenting now
Where is everyone from?
I didn’t choose this but I’m proud of myself
When does the sadness go away