The 7 Deadly Sins and the 7 Heavenly Virtues represented by people from Beast Games: Day 1. Which two players represent Wrath and Patience respectively and why?
Every show has one: Squares according to suggestions finale
did the people get to take the money they took in episode 9 home
Bonus square 10: Switch players within or outside of the squares?
Spoilers for the new video but
Gio is unbearable to watch.
I have two huge issues with the final game. Can someone please explain why I'm wrong?
Seems fair
New Beast Games Behind The Scenes
Square 8: Who is just straight up evil?
Square 9: Who has no screen time, but all the plot relevance?
Square 7: Who is the "mmm... society"?
Day 9: horrible person / hated by fans
Tile 4 : the only normal person
Square 6: Who is the gremlin?
All Players in Order of Money Won
Day 7: good person/hated by fans
Square 3: Who is the hot one?
Square 4: Who is the only normal person?
Square 1: Who is the fan favorite?
Square 5: Who is the "uhh... what's your name again?"
#831 Jeff is set to start a 365 mile ruck accross California on Sunday 23rd to raise funds and awareness for CTD
Season 1 Feedback / Suggestions for Seaoson 2 of BeastGames
Square 2: Who is made to be hated?
#831 Jeff is set to start a 365 mile ruck accross California on Sunday 23rd to raise money for CTD