What nation do you plan on playing first ?
Why do so many Swiss hate Germans?
Since when was this a thing?
Chapter IV Release Roadmap
I found this random Frankish Byzantine Empress in my game, thoughts?
Thomas Aquinas came to my court and wrote…this
destiny 3 is confirmed?
Why doesn't China have a drug crisis like the US?
Why did I get the nickname “The Bald” even though I have luscious locks on my head?
Stand up for Science
Non vi sembrano un po’ eccessivi i limiti di velocità?
This is why Europe is so upset about being made to pick up the bill for Ukraine.
Looks like Chapter 4 is about to be officially announced.
Democrats hate cancer patients
The more you look, the stranger it gets.
Anti-Muslim sentiment is everywhere, according to Swiss study
How aware is the average customer of the Beastmaster rarity and scan app?
Just finished watching the show. Here is a relatively uninfluenced ranking. I wonder how controversial it is..? (Read description)
Out of these 6, who had the worst incident?
I am a Liberal but I voted for Trump this time.
The most confusing war i've been in. I'm a baron at war with my liege, my liege is at war with his liege, all while the duchy is being invaded by the Turks.
Is YT jobs worth paying for a job posting
I guess I'm just bored of normality, hence........
Nomads are confirmed for Chapter IV. What should the other DLC focus on?