It ain’t much, but it’s honest work
Contraption to make blue belts
Got my Wave 1 Pledge! Super excited to get everything painted and on the table. Weird it came with 2 Space Cats though...
Squad’s favorite slang
I was your brother, rocket turret! I loved you!
In all seriousness, very excited to try the patch tonight
Me diving on Tarsh:
Do you guys think the rocket tanks will be announced like this? Or will they be sneaky little beavers?
IVF to make sure my children won't have marfan?
How much sleep do you need?
Having children?
Can't accept it
We’ll unlock them eventually
Having a war with friends, this is what we will use
A Nerf Ammo Retrospective
The armory, I love flywheel blasters. It all started with a small blaster for my 2 year old and now I'm obsessed all over again 😅
Is it physically possible for me to no longer be underweight with marfans?
Painted my husband's Guilliman because I was sick of seeing him unpainted.
I played a match last night with my Dad for the first time in 20 years, I couldn’t resist using my favorite childhood unit:
play aoe4 byzantines and select the scout
How do you guys dress?
But I mean if a wolf can solve the puzzles how hard could they be?
SoM meme for all of you Liveshippers
Poor guy, wish he could get out more
That’s not a good thing, Fitz