I have chosen depravity
A scrapped panel of a story I probably will never write. I snuck in Loss so at least it's good for karma...
Japanese goth bands recomendations?
What is the worst song you have ever listened to?
Struggling with clapping to the beat while singing on your own - classical vs pop - is this normal?
What is something you secretly judge people for?
Persone cresciute in un contesto agiato: quand'è e come vi siete resi conto che non tutti avevano "la filippina" o non andavano a sciare ogni finesettimana?
me omw to listen to Pornography on a sunny day
Why do Sikhs have such a great reputation in the UK?
What albums come to mind?
Funny misheard lyrics?
Bands that got better when they abandoned their "classic" sound?
What album or albums have you guys been listening to a lot recently?
Which of the notoriously overplayed songs of the 2010s do you think people will return to first?
Another Artist influenced by the Cure
The Official Seething Sunday Thread
We Were Sensible People -Scary Bitches
Groupies backstage at an XTC concert, 1981
What are the most wholesome albums you have ever listened to?
Bowie-inspired glam rock bands?
Other artists/songs you’ve found through listening to the smiths.
Artists you avoided for the longest time simply because of their name
Why I don’t like “normies” in goth clubs
People who are thin, how do you have the ability not to overeat?
What are your thoughts on Justin Timberlake as an artist?