Judging by what we’ve seen, do you think Eugine Krabs has a shady past?
Emo Musical Trends
Who else misses the season 1 designs
Bands with crazy drummers
Need some band recommendations similar to seam
Where does the 90s emo album cover design style originate?
Breathing walker - Elephant (1990, ex-Moss Icon, FFO This Kind of Punishment, The Raincoats, Henry Cow)
PDP sailing is cancelled, and I’m sad af
Why does no building have AC today
Worst Emo Lyrics?
Fellas, what we think about gold chains in 2025?
Can someone explain to me the hype behind “Your arms are my cocoon”?
I have jury duty tomorrow, what should I wear?
Would you eat this sundae?
Which band do you think has the coolest or most badass name in the genre?
Who are they? (wrong answers only)
Sometimes I randomly get bummed out thinking about how they most likely beat this guy to death over nothing
Which metal musicians are known to be complete assholes in real life?
Does BMW stand for Boring Man’s Watch?
fave ships
Suggestions for mathy skramz/screamo?
my emo collection (some adjacent some not)
recos or suggestions
Did anyone else actually like this episode?
17 years ago today…