У тебя появилась возможность сделать свой школьний предмет на всю планету, какой предмет бы ето был?
What's your name without these letters?
Вы стали Создателем Reddit, Ваши действия?
Что вы больше всего ненавидете? И почему?
Does YT have access to my search history even if i don't login from Google Chrome?
the car has a shield, what do you do?
Stob it
Stay hydrated, but make it fancy
Just painted this. How did I do?
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Just checking
Moe grow up fr :skull:
Im 7
Brawlers’ gameplays
If you could ban one brawler from the game, who would it be?
Какую самую страшную болезнь вы болели?
недавно был в египте, как вам фотки?👣👣👣
Check your recent emojis and use them to create whatever sentence you can make, it could be normal, it could be ABSOLUTE MADNESS
What babies can comment, I think we have user who born in 2021-2022
This came to me in a dream
What are you doing in this situation?