Image of Hermine Granger
Accommodation crisis
I need help naming my cat!
Do you think Bellatrix’s death in the movie could have been inspired by the Ilvermorny story?
Anybody applying/knows an agency that might help to apply to University of Cape Town South Africa
The fall of Cornelius Fudge
If the animal is stunned before sacrifice, is it really halal?
Spell Copyright/Trademark
Got an offer for MEng Computer Science at Bristol-would you recommend it?
Manchester student opens up about selling her virginity to Hollywood actor for £1.6 million
You can use one spell in real life, but only this one, forever. Which do you pick?
Just Finished Secrets and Masks (I’m an emotional wreck-need recs!)
Little game
Drop your best meme for this pic
Wish me luck..!!
What’s university life really like in the UK?
Why don’t they just cast spells to build a house and call it a day
Weirdest wizarding world dream you had?
International Students: Which British stereotypes are actually true?
If you could add one chapter into any of the 7 books, which book would you pick and what would you be writing about?
Surah Al-Mu’minun [23:99-100]
POV: You’re Dolores Umbridge’s lawyer (poor you) in a life-or-death trial.
Is Ezra a good “Muslim name”?
Which Spells Should Exist but Don't?