Why are you stalking me? please explain thy self!
Whats a line from a Will Wood song you can't get out of your head?
My gf gave me a gift for our 2 year anniversary 💀
What song has your favorite guitar tone(s) of all time?
The Bends album cover cake
i found an easter egg in undertale
Give me a lyric and I’ll say what album it’s from
Describe your self with one word?
how many followers do you have on reddit?
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
this guess from my hand trend is getting VERY out of hand
drop one of your “on repeat” songs
What music are you playing right now?
Songs where they announce what song or artist you're listening to
What, in your opinion, is peak "dad rock?"
Who's your favorite singer? Me: Alec Benjamin
tell me your name and Ill assume something about you/rate it!
Leave a comment! I'll look at your previous posts and comments and rate you among the following!
Songs with slow crescendos and high climaxes?
What's your favorite album of 2024?
Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
I'll judge everybody's music taste based on 3 songs
Are boys opposed to getting hugs? I’m so confused😭
Please do this with ur favourite artist