Asuka across 3 games
WHAT HAPPENED to Steve Fox’s voice? Why does he sound so different from Tekken 7 (video below)… I think it’s the same voice actor so I’m even more lost.
Jealous (art by me)
I think i did too many side quests before actually playing the game.
Kiryuin has won, who present themselves as evil but is actually good?
Can another Tekken fan translate this for me?
Anna by NightCatty (me)
Leo is genuinely the blandest character I have ever seen.
Probably a lot of you have completed the story of Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. How does it compare to the other Yakuza games ?
My custom collection of Cyberpunk 2077 & Edgerunners characters.
A fan’s attempt at redesigning Anna’a new look. What do y’all think? I love it. (Made by @RainJady on Twitter)
Thoughts on Anna's new look?
I like how Asuka was able to survive the jump with her bike and save a cat at the same time in the TK5 intro like WOW
Artwork by はんくり/hungry_clicker
What do you think of Anna's the new outfit coming from Tekken 7?
Harada goes off on a person complaining about Anna’s design
What do you guys thing the next characters releases will be?
Tekken 8 - Anna Williams Gameplay Trailer
I like the Anna Williams design
Would you like a Remake/Rebirth style approach to FFIX Remake?
this game has made me start a whole majima reactions album
Thank god they finally added an oversized T-shirt. We need more Street wear bandai!
Duality [KCD2]
Gamers: T8 is dead! T8: the same online with 7000-8000 players in steam every day since June last year.