I keep listening to near’s ost
Last 2 eps were absolute CINEMAAA
As an INTJ woman I’ve never met an INTJ man. Where do yall hang?
Does anyone else also like cold temperatures more than hot
What’s an easy minor
What are your productive hobbies?
For anyone who was mistyped, what were you mistyped as?
The Streaker.
This shit succcck mannn
My dream job rejected me. I guess I’m staying in this hellhole for a bit longer. Fantastic
How can I be sure that I’m an INTJ and not smthn like an INTP or INFJ?
A dummy node seems unnecessary and I dont see a point in using it. Am I missing something?
I feel like INFJs are the worst match for us ISTJs
When "Smart" Gets Slapped with "Asshole" - How Does That Feel?
Signs an INTJ likes or is infatuated with someone?
Question for female INTJs
Who’s the Ex that made her drag Carleton like this?
Switch from C to C++?
I passed my Calc 2 class with a C
I want to make CTB more popular. Is it possible?
mbti types as units in physics
People worship long hour study too much
african gold coconut oil hair conditioner
Why do people stay in jobs they hate?