Rewatch tmtnc season 2 …
Intense PMS symptoms- real intense
How frequently do you get high?
Say something good about a cast member you don't like.
if you’re reading this, unclench your jaw
I wanna show off my fur baby too!
What are your worst 3 perimenopause symptoms? As in, most disruptive in your daily functioning and/or general contentment.
Some thoughts if you like to use 🍃
Top 3 Science Fiction Songs?
Catelynn sharing the truth yall
Let’s talk about the first time you saw Brand New!
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What do you do financially to be able to afford to homeschool?
here's your sign from the universe! it's all going to be alright 🌈
Low lows
Shari calling her mom “Ruby”
What’s the end goal for Catelynn and Tyler?
Catelynns recent live recapped.
another night, another snack box🤌
Re watching Teen mom the next chapter.. this didn’t age well
Ryan looks almost like a different person?
New Set Up!
Cate’s entitlement on display.
What is everyone watching?
“She immediately started putting her fingers into every facet of our lives.”