Travel advice
The fall of absolute monarchy
Eric Berger from Space City Weather talks Elon Musk's potential NOAA and NWS cuts
Initial flight information is PSA Airlines 5342 collided with PAT25
Spot on prediction from October 2019.
View from the beach, 1970s
Would you date me? Scroll if yes, recite the prologue of Darkstalker in Mandarin if no.
Updated 2:45pm NWS snow forecast
It's like, let's really fuck up a area that can't even handle 2inch by giving them 5inch
Updated 6am 1/20 forecast from NWS Houston
Winter storm watch issued for the area
How does your school weigh Honors/AP courses?
Up to a foot of snow in the DFW metro! This is gonna be interesting!
What's the best question to ask a fighter pilot?
CDC. Civil dragon control . If your dealing with anomalies than call 154 and CDC will help you take care of the animal. Note: if you do spot any anomalies stay inside and make little noise for your safety! Call 154.
The blue thing is still here cause they said they were busy
Just got unbanned. Just wanted to drop this banger from an old time. (Not mine)
Arctic blast could bring snow, sleet to Southeast Texas
Houstonians, what is y’all opinions on Cinco Ranch?
Be completely honest, is the filter actually gone? I mean I kept seeing TikToks about removing the filter.
New York skyline now vs. 2025
Is it tho???
The Y2K fim
That’s a uh-oh