Beta readers needed: F/F tension, one tiny closet, too much heat
Need feedback on a WIP scene – two women, one closet, way too much tension
Writing for Passion vs. Writing for Profit – The Eternal Dilemma
If your favorite LGBTQ+ novel was turned into a movie, who would you cast as the main characters?
What’s an underrepresented LGBTQ+ book trope you wish there was MORE of?
Breaking Down ‘Business in Flesh’: From Concept to First Chapters
Writing LGBTQ+ romance – here’s how I keep my stories engaging!
So many LGBTQ+ book recs—where do I even start?!
So… 19K people saw my post. What now?
Welcome to r/JulesWrites!
Where are the sapphic books with passion and fire—but without teenagers or midlife crises?
Why do most WLW books focus on first love (YA) or existential struggles (50+)? What about the middle?
WLW Monster Romance Recs?