Are you grounded?
Did you ever say the "V" word?
Is space big?
You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Do you know the way?
Do we live on Earth?
Cool whip?
Is Hatsune Miku racist?
are you a psychopath?
What are your thoughts on giving/receiving flowers on the first date?
Do you respect women?
Does the Mafia still exist?
Have you eaten human?
Do you have power?
Was trump secretly right about everything and knew everything, but we just didn't see it?
What's your favorite fictional town/city?
Who's your favorite Spider-Man?
If your life is a book, what would be its title?
If you had all the power in the multiverse to literally fight God, would you do it?
Who are those creepy guys wearing black robes with hoods at night?
Are you lonely?
whould you join isis?
Go to bed. Now!
What was your Favorite game as a kid?
What's your favorite superpower/ability in comics that doesn't cause destruction?