Prince of Sushi
Guys I married taylor swift and became rich 🤑
What kind of title is this
What your guys weirdest death?
Bitlife what did I just read 😩😭
A cool guide to what to call every single member of your family tree.
My Full-Scale Family Tree
This pisses me off
Most # of kills in one life so far?
You guys still gonna destroy civilizations and kill ppl knowing that it’ll actually hurt them now?
Tried to shove as many nations into one world as possible currently 346 💪
Who had the most kids
How old is your world
Dah Thorokeakonak Family Tree (Year 1 ~ 49)
I'm a man!!!!
How old was your oldest character?
The driver does not get paid enough
Subtle foreshadowing
oops my teacher is my gf
What’s your guy’s richest life?
Who was your richest life?