This new Secret Lair looks ugly
Genuinely does anybody think these look good
Is Ugin and Nicol Bolas gay?
Invisible Woman and Cloak and Dagger get MVP once again
Nerf Squirrel Girl ult charge
How bad is Lorwyn gonna be when it comes out next year?
Is it PTSD when fighting Hawkeye?
I immediately leave the game if there's a smurf on the enemy team
Where did the Jin Gitaxias NTR meme come from?
How do you fight Groot as a tank?
How do you play Iron Fist now?
The Thing is extremely useless if your team refuses to push up with you
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
What hero do you hate having on YOUR team?
This game still has crash problems
How would Sabretooth work in this game?
Why is Groot OP now?
Smurfing is ruining Marvel Rivals, and it needs to be addressed
MFW the three instalock DPSes are terrible as a solo tank
Has there been any increase to Black Widow players
So called “Strategist mains” when they start getting camped by Spider-Man
How in the world do you counter this comp?
When you realize Phoenix's ultimate will be how Phoenix worked in MVC3
The smurfing has gotten out of control. Thanks streamers 🙏
Can someone please tell me how can i deal with this terrorist 😭😭