My rabbit Little Fentanyl
Meet my bunny Little Fentanyl
Someones small toiletrie bag got put in my larger duffle bag somehow, how do I go about returning it?
I don’t think Coltie is handling his mothers departure well….
such a hero!
Indian horror
If You're Patrick, Then Who's THE LEADER OF THE BUNCH?
Younion Ethernet down or what
So you think you can want a puppy? Or, how much we spent in the past 12 months on our puppy
Inspirational Octopus Escapes A Jar Over An Odd Remix Of Wonderwall While Distorted Audio of a Young Girl Speaking Plays
Our soon to be second goldendoodle, Ollie
Taught him to shake, now he does this when he wants something
Sandy nosed
Meet Odysseus
High schoolers, what do you want to major in? People who majored in that field, what are the pros and cons?
What opinion of yours makes you an asshole?
What's a book that you really liked, except for the end?