Those of you who have exercised consistently all your adult life, have you still grown to get the "inevitable aches and pains" adults seem to always warn comes with adulthood?
Converting my own verminlord deceiver
this is just evil
(1st Grade Math) How can you describe this??
Are most non-unique characters pretty garbage?
Terrain for the Game Trench Crusade ! Link for tutorail in comments
I hate being unattractive
Manifestation time
He was putting on a show for his girlfriend until a spider crashed the performance
Are you an empathetic Arborist?
Pulp Friction
Looking for poor quality yet expensive restaurants to recommend to an enemy. Suggestions?
Best Burger
AIO? Dog straining my marriage.
People who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, what’s going on with you?
Should I buy a saw and cut this on my own?
This bloke is disabled but it doesn’t stop him from making sick beats using his mouth.
Short climber dillemas
Hey birders, is this crazy?
This Is Right Out of A Jim Carrey Movie 😂
It's enhanced with CGI or Tom Cruise is constantly carrying this amount of ass?
How do I ask a woman if I can eat her ass?
Why do some of the kindest, most selfless people struggle in life while others who lie, cheat and hurt people seem to have everything going for them?
People who only flush at the end when using the bathroom are disgusting
Trevor Wallace's Show
If you had to choose, would you prefer to receive $10 billion or bring a loved one back to life?