AIO my gf deleted her dms with her male friend
BF wants oral everytime we have sex but dislikes reciprocating, how to proceed?
At what age did you first finish a female?
AITA if I want to break up with my girl because I am tired of her testing me all the time?
Boyfriend doesn't want sex but then I can't get better
AIO after seeing a picture of my partner and "work spouse” from when they (probably) booked a secret weekend trip?
Am I Overreacting after my teacher(55 M) confessed his love to me(18 F)
Dating sucks. Do I go the sperm bank route to have my second child?
boyfriend grabbed my neck/jaw. what do i do??
Girlfriend wants to emotionally connect daily, but our sex is not daily
AIO for breaking up with boyfriend of 3 years over him planning coffee date with coworker
When Christian Bale does it it's "method acting"
Wondering if I missed out on my youth
AIO - roommate has been secretly pocketing my rent money for the last few months. **UPDATE**
Am I overreacting? Texts from boyfriend after acting weird since Friday.
Help me choose a career for living in a van
AIO because of some messages my wife sent
My Pup literally looks like Silvio
Hey guys. Today I'm going to start watching the sopranos for the first time. Any advice you have to give me? No spoilers please
AIO to my gf being bisexual
Say something positive about this Joker
im like 15 episodes in so no spoilers but holy shit these mfs are eating spagetti/pasta every time theres food onscreen. they got tony eating spagetti at the fucking strip club. these kids havent had an ounce of protein in like 12 years man
Who is your least favorite character in the entire series and why?
scenes that icked you out?
What's with everyone in the show being obsessed with abbreviations for names ?