URO CONCEPT: Sky Sorcerer
So wich number are you?
How do I ban this guy and for specifically what
Yes, i am one now
Top tier moderation guys 🙏
Atsuya Kusakabe
Awekening tier list
Badly editing jjs attacks day 3 (body repel)
One of these abilities gets added to the game next update. Which one would you choose?
RYU CONCEPT: Gluttonous Incarnation
yuji is the most poorly designed character and needs a rework
It's not even that bad bro the Vincible hate is forced
Rate the artwork (I did in math class)
M is for Malovelent Shrine, N is for...
I became the very thing I swore to destroy
Any tips on this game? (unlicensed3 emote)
I’m bored, show me y’all’s avatars and I’ll rate them based off if I could beat you guys in a jjs 1v1
Working on a special cooldown bar (more info + download in comments)
Self report
Yuji Haters regaining their strength after Yuji got that new finisher (they can hate on him again)
can i hate on yujis again pretty please
Ngl, if you hunt and target furries in this game. you're actually a loser. Hell, targeting anyone in JJS makes you a loser.